Every Blogger Should Know this Properly

Hello All,
I Started blogging when I was 18,About a year ago.I search in google and ask too many forms and community but I didn't get the proper answer the answers are not understoodable 

It took me a lot of time to digest all the blogging terms and these terms are very necessary because without it asking questions on forums or reading blogging tutorials are no worth reading.
So, let me show you my blogging dictionary and make your blogging journey a little bit easy as i will be lisiting down the Important Blogging Terms necessary for your journey in this post. 

Important Blogging Terms

#1: SEO:

Though it is a common word used in blogosphere, a newbie blogger has to firstly face this word.
It stands for Serach Engine Optimisation.
It is a set of techniques or startegies that you have to follow in order to get better ranking in search engines. Actually you will have to tell yourself that you exist in this blogosphere and its not that much simple nowadays to get on google’s pages. In fact, if you do not do this SEO part you will be not even the 100th of page of google.
Further, SEO has 2 parts:
ON-Page SEO and OFF-Page SEO
a). ON-Page SEO:  When you are writing a post then you shoud use bold characters, H2 headings and much more.. and all that stuff comes in On-Page SEO. Its like just decorating your text and google loves it.
b). OFF-Page SEO: It consists of some outdoor work like:
  • Link building
  • Social Media
  • Social Bookmarking
  • Blog Marketing
  • Forum Marketing
  • Search Engine Submission
  • Directory Submission

#2: Link Building/Backlinks

Now the Backlinks are the most important part of OFF-Page SEO.
Backlinks are like Votes. Like in the politics, the one who has the highest number of votes win, the same way a blogger having higher number of backlinks will win or will rank on the 1st page of google.
But here votes are not equal. Every Vote has different power level and the one having higher power level will give  you better results. The blogs having high power level are known as Authority Sites. So you must make backlinks on authority sites in order to rank better.
Blogging Terms
Further, Backlinks are divided into 2 parts:
DoFollow and NoFollow
DoFollow Backlinks are backlinks which are preferred as compared to NoFollow Backlinks. Let me put it this way:
Say, you are a leader of BJP,  now when the elections are held many people voted for you as well as members of your party also. Now the vote by your party members will have better effect ( in case of blogging) as they not only voted for you, they are standing with you and these types of backinks are DoFollow Backlinks and Nofollow backlinks are the votes given by common people.
So, this was all the story of backlinks and hence it is to be said that you must make DoFollow Backlinks more. If you ask me, i maintain the ratio of DOFollow : NoFollow as 75 : 25.

#3: Link Juice:

Link juice can be defined as the power of a backlink that is passed to a site from another site. So speaking of power a DoFollow backlink has more power, Right? So in this regard, i can say that it has more link juice as compared to NoFollow.

#4: Anchor Text:

This term comes into use when you are making backlinks. You have to choose a anchor text in order to make backlink which should include your focus keyword. Say, i am making my backink on my post:
Google Ranking Factors you don’t know
Here my Keyword is Google Ranking Factors, now i start making backlinks once with the anchor text Google Ranking Factors itself and the other with the anchor text Top Google Ranking Factors
Here Top Google ranking factors is my anchor text.  Click Here
#5: Slug:
Taking the above example again, you see that i have a post which is having the title as Top Google Ranking Factors you don’t know but if i keep my URL like bloggersfarm.com/top-google-ranking-factors-you-don’t-know.html  then don’t you think it is a little bit longer! Yes it is!
Thus we make it short by keeping our keyword or only one or 2 other words than our keyword and that is why my URL is bloggersfarm.com/google-ranking-factors.html where google-ranking-factors is my SLUG. It means whatever is written after your domain name is called your slug. 
It is usually preferred not to have the whole post title as your slug.

#6: LSI Keyword:

It stands for Latent Semantic Indexing but i seriously do not know why is it named so because its meaning is far away from this name.
So, LSI Keywords are basically the synonyms of your focus keyword. It is used so that google gets to know what your post is about and focus on your keyword more and moreover it is a pure and natural way to tell google about your keyword.

#7: Sitemap:

This is a page that brings you the list of all the posts within a blog in a single page. It is easily accessible by crawlers as well as humans. It can be either a document in any form used as a planning tool for Web design, or a Web page that lists the pages on a Web site.

#8: Sitelinks:

Sitelinks are hyperlinks to website subpages that appear on google pages in order to help users navigate the site. A Sitelink is provided by google and you can not add it in your blog yourself.
Having Sitelinks itself tells you that a blog is a authority blog because google provide sitelinks only to best websites. Look at the image below to understand it completely which has the sitelinks of alltricks007.blogspot.com :

You can take it as a part of Off-Page SEO. Thus you should submit your sitemap links to your blog with the help of google webmaster.
In order to get sitelinks, you must work hard. By the way, I have come up with a trick that makes your work easier to bring sitelinks by reading:
  • Getting Sitelinks From Google-The Definitive Guide
NOTE: I have listed above the important terms or the therms which i think the newbie blogger doesn’t know. For the whole list constituing every single term visit this page of hubspot:

Are confused with any other Blogging Term?
Just leave a comment below to tell us and we will let it in our list.


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