
Showing posts from March, 2017

Jio Extended Prime membership and More 3 months Free Internet and Call

Hello  Jio Users, On Friday JIO extended its prime membership plan till 15 April. It is good news for for those who have not subscribed to Jio Prime Yet. This announcement is 100% confirmed and now you can enroll  jio prime till 15 April 2017. On last day that is on 31st march most of the users start doing jio prime recharge of Rs-99 and the result are really awesome. Almost 72M users have enrolled for jio prime and counting still going on. The servers of jio are down and the performance are also bad due to heavy traffic. Seeing the peak of prime subscription Jio made this offer till 15 march. If You Recharge For Rs 303 or Higher Plan You will Get 3 Months Free Jio Service Now everyone can enroll for Jio Prime membership plan. Also Jio added awesome offer for existing jio users. Now they will get free internet for 3 months and free call also. Jio Said- “In India, we have the fine tradition of SHAGUN – offering gifts on auspicious occasions. For us, your first recharge i

TCS CodeVita 2016 Round1 Question: Consecutive Prime Sum

Problem : Consecutive Prime Sum Some prime numbers can be expressed as Sum of other consecutive prime numbers. For example 5 = 2 + 3 17 = 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 41 = 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13 Your task is to find out how many prime numbers which satisfy this property are present in the range 3 to N subject to a constraint that summation should always start with number 2. Write code to find out number of prime numbers that satisfy the above mentioned property in a given range. Input Format: First line contains a number N Output Format: Print the total number of all such prime numbers which are less than or equal to N. Constraints: 1. 2 Sample Input and Output SNo. Input Output Comment 1 20 2 (Below 20, there are 2 such numbers: 5 and 17). 5=2+3 17=2+3+5+7 2 15 1 Pseudo Code: 1. Find all the prime numbers till N     i.  A  is an array length N + 1 initialized with numbers from 0 to N                 (0,1,2, ..., N)     ii. initialize p = 2         a.  for p = 2 t

TCS CodeVita 2016 Round1 Question: Logic Pyramid

Problem : Logic Pyramid Identify the logic behind the series 6 28 66 120 190 276.... The numbers in the series should be used to create a Pyramid. The base of the Pyramid will be the widest and will start converging towards the top where there will only be one element. Each successive layer will have one number less than that on the layer below it. The width of the Pyramid is specified by an input parameter N. In other words there will be N numbers on the bottom layer of the pyramid. The Pyramid construction rules are as follows 1.      First number in the series should be at the top of the Pyramid 2.      Last N number of the series should be on the bottom-most layer of the Pyramid, with N th  number being the right-most number of this layer. 3.      Numbers less than 5-digits must be padded with zeroes to maintain the sanctity of a Pyramid when printed. Have a look at the examples below to get a pictorial understanding of what this rule actually means. Example

TCS CodeVita 2016 Round1 Question: Min Product Array

The task is to find the minimum sum of Products of two arrays of the same size, given that k modifications are allowed on the first array. In each modification, one array element of the first array can either be increased or decreased by 2. Note - the product sum is Summation (A[i]*B[i]) for all i from 1 to n where n is the size of both arrays Input Format:   First line of the input contains n and k delimited by whitespace Second line contains the Array A (modifiable array) with its values delimited by spaces Third line contains the Array B (non-modifiable array) with its values delimited by spaces Output Format: Output the minimum sum of products of the two arrays Constraints: 1 ≤ N ≤ 10^5 0 ≤ |A[i]|, |B[i]| ≤ 10^5 0 ≤ K ≤ 10^9 Sample Input and Output SNo. Input Output 1 3 5 1 2 -3 -2 3 -5 -31 2 5 3 2 3 4 5 4 3 4 2 3 2 25 Explanation for sample 1: Here total numbers are 3 and total modifications allowed are 5. So we modified A[2], which is -3 a

App engine ERROR SOLVED This application does not exist (app_id=??).

This application does not exist (app_id=). You have to run 2 commands in order to initialise the blank application so  Run this 2 command gcloud config set project project-Id-here gcloud components update gcloud beta app create gcloud beta app create will be installed on your PC if you don't have it .Its 1 MB only You have to do exactly as the error message tells you, which is to run the  gcloud app create  (beta no longer needed) command from a terminal. App Engine is no longer automatically initialized for newly created projects, so you must run this command on a new project before deploying an App Engine app for the first time. __________________________________________________________________________ Also Suggested To check Final Running __________________________________________________________________________