Hack by NetBios


By Parth Makadiya

Hello friends...Hope you guys are enjoying my previous posts on XP hacking...Now I will show you how to hack a remote computer and gain access to its hard disk and printer...This technique is calledNetBIOS Hacking...NetBIOS stands for Network Basic Input Output System...It was originally developed by IBM and Sytek as an Application Programming Interface (API) for client software to access LAN resources...By default it runs on port 139...Ok, let's start NetBIOS :-)

1. Goto "start" and click "Run"...

2. Type "cmd" and click "Ok"...the Command Prompt will appear...

3. First use "nbtstat" command for manually interact with NetBIOS Over TCP/IP...All the attributes (switches) used with nbtstat command and their usage can be viewed...

Syntax: C:\>nbtstat -n

An intruder could use the output from an nbtstat against your machines to begin gathering information about them...Here is an IP address of remote computer and <20> is nothing but the username of that system...

4. Now in the command prompt use "
net view" command....It is one of the netbios commands to view the shared resources of the remote computer...Syntax: C:\>net view \\

If succeeded a list of HARD-DISK DRIVES and PRINTERS are shown with the massage "The command was completed successfully"...

5. Now use the "
net use" command in the command prompt...This command enables a computer to map a share to its local drive...Syntax: C:\>net use E: \\\C
Syntax: C:\>net use F: \\\Myprint
Syntax: C:\>net use G: \\\SharedDocs

Here E, F AND G are the Network Drive Names that are to be created on your computer to access remote computer’s hard-disk...And C, SharedDocs are the names of remote computer’s hard-disk drives that you want to hack..."Myprint" is the name of remote computer’s printer...

6. After succeeding your computer will give a message that "The command completed successfully"...Now open "My Computer" you will see a new "Hard-Disk drive" (Shared) with the specified name...You can open it and access remote computer’s Hard-Drive...
Note: You can scan your network computers with a network scanner...I personally used Angry IP Scanner...It scans IP addresses and ports as well as has many other features...Download the scanner from HERE and find the live hosts...If you face any problem just post your comment...

Note: If Remote Computer’s Firewall Is Enabled Your Computer Will Not Succeed In Gaining Access To Remote Computer Through Netbios. 

Happy Hacking...Enjoy... 
For educational purpose only...Do not misuse it...


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